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Campaigns Participated In
Foxfooding Firefox Text Editing
10 Febbraio -
20 Febbraio 2023
Thank you for helping us test the changes in text editing behaviors on Firefox! Foxfooding is important for getting wider feedback for new features or behaviors – and we need your input! It also gives you the opportunity to check out our newest features or behaviors before they release to the public.
Mozilla Connect Campaign
24 Marzo -
10 Aprile 2022
Mozilla Connect is a collaborative space for users (you) to share product feedback, submit ideas for new features, and participate in meaningful discussions that help shape future releases! The community is an evolution of Ideas@Mozilla…with exciting upgrades all around.
Take part by yourself, or with your friends!
Hunt from Home: Phase 1
06 Aprile -
24 Aprile 2020
The Coronavirus has the world redoing how it works, learns and meets. As we move more of our lives online – we’re committed to making the internet a safe, productive, and fun place for all of us. We need your help to make sure Firefox works where you need us most – tell us about the tools you’re using to collaborate, socialize, stream and learn so we can get or keep them working on Firefox.
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