Introrse In Open Source

17 4月, 2021

10:00 - 12:00 Asia/Kolkata

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Hey peeps!

Why to hide, when you can share?

Didn’t catch it? Well then, have you ever wondered what Open-source is all about? Wonder no more!

The CODEZILLA team is prepared with a great event where you will learn several new things related to Mozilla, Open-source and lots more in the World of Mozilla!

Buckle up and take a tour with us – we have Ms. Sonia Singla, ready to introduce you to this hot topic!

All we need is you to join us for our newest event INTRORSE IN OPENSOURCE and get to know about Open-source, Mozilla, and how learn and make use of it!

Date: 17th April, 2021
Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM


Topics to be covered:

- History and Mission of Mozilla
- How to get involved with Mozilla?
- How to participate, collaborate, and share on
community-driven projects?
- How to contribute to Mozilla codebase?
- How to become an active contributor?
- How to get internships?