Pixel Perfect : The ultimate UI/UX Challenge

21 4月, 2023

12:00 - 17:00 Asia/Kolkata

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SRM IST, Ramapuram

SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Bharthi Salai

Ramapuram, Chennai, India

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This is a team event consisting of 2 rounds.
Round 1: All the teams will be given a single common topic but each team will get unique design constraints that they need to incorporate into their design.

After design submission, the best teams will move forward to the next round.

The teams that qualify for the final round will have to convert their design to code.

The top 3 winners will be chosen!


All participants will be introduced to MDN docs by Mozilla to highlight the contributions of mozilla's opensource work in UI/UX.
The expected participants are around 80-100.
All participants will be asked to subscribe to the developer's newsletter by mozilla.


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