Hackathon and Coding Club, BIT Sindri

Unverified | Dhanbad, India | Created 14 maart, 2020

About Us

Hackathon and Coding Club (HnCC) is the official coding and development club of BIT Sindri. It was started with an initial motto to inculcate and improve collaborative coding culture in college. Our team (consisting of Developers, Designers and Marketing People) expanded slowly in numbers and the spectrum of activities we deal with, expanded broadly. Our Work include:

• Organize sessions and awareness campaigns related to various technology stacks such as Development, Open Source, Safe Internet etc.

• Host Hackathons and Competitions related to coding and other tech domains throughout the year and Techfest, BIT Sindri

• Introduce Mozilla's campaigns and activities to the local community.

• Develop real world projects and solve real world problems. Checkout our GitHub account.


Meeting Details

Our meetings are called DM i.e Developers' Meet that is organized among our members for progress checks and event discussions. We hold meetups for community for a variety of topics of Design to Software Development.


IT Building, BIT Sindri, Dhanbad - 828123, Jharkhand, India