Indulge In Machine Learning

04 julho, 2020

11:00 - 12:30 Asia/Kolkata

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As Said, “One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man.”

Heartly welcome to our club CODEZILLA ~ A MOZILLA COMMUNITY🙏

Hope everyone is fine and safe during this pandemic!!

We are here again to empower you all with an insightful topic which makes all of your dreams and actions into reality💡

CODEZILLA proudly presents,

“Indulge In Machine Learning” – A webinar on Machine Learning covering the concepts of Neural Nets with Tensor Flow and models of Neural Nets from basics to advance.

DATE: July 4th 2020
TIMING: 11:00 am to 12:30 pm

Registration for free🎉
Hurry up and register here:

“Opportunities are like sunrise. If you wait too long, you’ll miss them”. So don’t miss this phenomenal opportunity guys🎊



1) Intro to ML - What is ML? How different is it from the other branches of coding

2) ML in action - Application of ML in the industry and day to day life activities. The role of AI/ML in shaping the future

3) Neural Nets - Explanation on one of the basic and widely used algorithm.

4) Models of Neural Nets and CNN on Tensor flow - Hands on implementation of Neural Nets model for classification

5) Motivation for the next steps - An open ended problem - food for thought