Hacktoberfest-2020 Expert Talk Warmup Sessions
05 Οκτωβρίου, 2020
18:00 - 19:30 Asia/Kolkata
In your timezone:
This is an online-only event
Hacktoberfest is open to everyone in our global community. Whether you’re a developer, student learning to code, event host, or the company of any size, you can help drive the growth of open source and make positive contributions to an ever-growing community. All backgrounds and skill levels are encouraged to complete the challenge.
In this OpenSource celebration Mozilla Student Developers,GGV,Bilaspur is organizing an expert talk event in order to get you started with the magic tricks that rules the FOSS world. This event is going to be organized in association with three other global communities at the campus namely, Developer Student Clubs, GGV (Powered By Google Developers), Codecademy Campus Chapter, GGU(Powered by Codecademy) and Dockship Community Leaders (powered by Dockship).
So the question arises? Who is the expert?
Cheer Up, Amigos !!
We have Mr Josh Goldberg with us 🎊🎉
Josh is a senior frontend developer at Codecademy, where he focuses on the core learning platform, accessibility, and web infrastructure. He’s also an overly enthusiastic open-source and TypeScript aficionado and works on TypeScript static analysis tools on the side.
Josh is from upstate New York and now lives in Brooklyn, New York. In his spare time, he also enjoys crafting a retro game engine in TypeScript, exploring meta-languages, and generally playing around with code on the internet.
He will be giving a brief overview of the OpenSource world and guiding you all throughout the entire event.
Join us, be a part of the OpenSource trade and rock the stages with wisdom friends !!!
- OpenSource Magic
- OpenSource Mysteries
- Create a new repository on GitHub and show off the basic templating files: README.md, license, etc.
- Add issue and PR templates to the repository
- Add some basic GitHub automation with GitHub Actions