
Foxfooding Firefox for iOS

December 01 - December 19, 2021

Help us to test web compatibility of the updated Firefox for iOS!

Foxfooding is important for getting wider feedback for new features- and we need your input! It also gives you the opportunity to check out our newest features before they release to the public.

We will add new areas to test every week!

Step 1: before you start testing

iOS for iPhone and iPad:


  1. Install Firefox Beta via Testflight (open the link and follow the on-screen instructions)
    • If you already have Firefox Beta installed, go to TestFlight > Firefox Beta > Previous Builds to install v95 (6899)
  2. Tap the “Start Testing” button from the Firefox section.
  3. When Firefox Beta is displayed in Testflight, tap the “Accept” button and then the “Start Testing” button.
  4. Once the browser is launched, tap the bottom-right menu button and tap the “Settings” option.
  5. Tap the “Set as Default Browser” option.


Step 2: start testing!

If you need help or want to chat with other participants, you can join the #foxfooding channel in Matrix. If you find any bugs please submit them here.

Areas to Test:

Week 1 - Social Media

Test out your favourite social media sites in Firefox. Keep an eye out for any web compatibility issues.

Testing steps:

  • Visit a social media site
  • Ensure no “Unsupported Browser” message is displayed
  • Ensure normal features work as expected

Week 2 - Shopping

Testing steps

  • Visit a shopping site
  • Ensure no “Unsupported Browser” message is displayed
  • Ensure normal features work as expected

Week 3: Request Desktop Site and Video

Request Desktop Site

Test out switching between mobile sites and desktop sites. Keep an eye out for any web compatibility issues.

Testing Steps

  • Visit any site that has a mobile friendly version
  • Tap the ‘…’ menu in the url bar
  • Tap ‘Request Desktop Site’
  • Repeat steps to request mobile site again




Test out watching videos in the browser. Keep an eye out for any web compatibility issues.

Testing steps

  • Visit any site that has videos and ensure the site is correctly loaded
  • Play a few videos and ensure the videos are correctly displayed
  • Visit any site that has embedded videos and ensure the site is correctly loaded
  • Play an embedded video and ensure the video is correctly displayed


Do not worry about testing or filing issues against banking sites or government sites. These issues are harder for us to reproduce and often have existing web compatibility issues independent of our browser version.

After you finish testing:

Come back soon! We will add new areas to test every week.