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Campaigns Participated In
Zero-Prefix Weather Suggestions
23 2月 -
19 3月 2023
Thank you for helping us test Zero-Prefix Weather Suggestions!
We are trying to make the address bar suggestion offerings more useful and relevant to users. We are implementing zero-prefix Weather suggestions on the address bar as our first foray into local suggestion.
Help us get wider feedback for this new feature!
Hunt from Home: Phase 1
06 4月 -
24 4月 2020
The Coronavirus has the world redoing how it works, learns and meets. As we move more of our lives online – we’re committed to making the internet a safe, productive, and fun place for all of us. We need your help to make sure Firefox works where you need us most – tell us about the tools you’re using to collaborate, socialize, stream and learn so we can get or keep them working on Firefox.
Firefox Foxfooding Campaign
12 4月 -
03 5月 2021
Mozilla has been working on improving Firefox’s usability for our new and existing users through a modernized user interface. For the three weeks from the 12th of April we will need your help to test different features.
New features to test will be added during the campaign, so remember to subscribe to be kept up-to-date!
Results: Thank you for taking part in this campaign! In three weeks we collected 191 bug reports.
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