Software Freedom Day 2020

September 18, 2020

10:00 - 16:00 Asia/Colombo

In your timezone: 9/18, 05:00 AM - 9/18, 11:00 AM

Event expired


NSBM Green University

NSBM Green University, Mahenwaththa, Pitipana

Homagama, Sri Lanka

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Software Freedom Day (SFD) is an annual worldwide celebration of Free Software.
Software Freedom Day was established in 2004 and was first observed on 28 August of that year. About 12 teams participated in the first Software Freedom Day. Since that time it has grown in popularity and every year we have more than 300 events organized by over 100 cities from the world.


Software Freedom Day is a public education effort with the aim of increasing awareness of Free Software and its virtues, and encouraging its use.