Tamil l10n testing - Fenix

11 jul - 18 julho, 2020

00:00 - 23:30 UTC+05:30

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Event expired


This is an online-only event

Meeting link


Please Download the latest nightly build from google play store. (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.mozilla.fenix)

If your device’s default language is Tamil, Fenix automatically opens in Tamil otherwise Select Tamil from language menu.

What to look out for?

– Language quality. (consistency, spelling mistakes, typos etc.)
– Truncated words (cut-off from screen).
– Anything that appears broken on the UI.
– Check out at all the main screens, UI, menus, tabs, new features, etc. Make sure these all look good, that everything is properly translated and appears as expected.
– Font support.
– Check that all searchplugins are working correctly.

If you have any queries, please ask in Tamil l10n mailing list (https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-l10n-ta).