
Hunt from Home: Phase 1

06 Nisan - 24 Nisan 2020

The Coronavirus crisis has the world redoing how we work, learn and meet. Events have been canceled, entire countries are on lockdown, and schools are going into month-long closures. For many of us, that means moving new parts of our lives online.

Today Mozilla’s mission is more critical than ever, and we’re committed to making the internet a safe, productive, creative and fun place for all of us. But we need your help to understand   where you need us most. Tell us about the tools you’re using to collaborate, socialize, stream, learn and connect online so we can make sure they’re working well for everyone. 

269 Survey replies were received and 104 unique tools were identified. Follow the next step of the campaign in phase 2.

Fill out the form here

How to Help

  1. Think about the tools, websites, and services that you’re using to stay connected online
  2. Use this form to let us know what they are and if they’re working (or available) in Firefox
  3. Stay tuned for Phase 2 of the Hunt from Home campaign
  4. Help flatten the curve, wash your hands and #StayHome

Phase 2 - Coming Soon

This is just the beginning. Once we have a better understanding of what is and isn’t working we’ll launch a targeted bug hunting campaign, rallying our fearless bug hunters as we have in the past to find and file the bugs with the [WFH] tag.